Parker MacIntyre Supports and Presents at 2018 Compliance Conference — October 2018

Parker MacIntyre was pleased to present at the 2018 Annual Conference of the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP). The conference, which took place on October 29 through October 31, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia presented financial services compliance professionals throughout the country with resources and insights into current compliance regulatory initiatives and in-depth analysis of compliance rules and recent developments. Parker MacIntyre’s attorneys attended and supported the conference, making its published materials available to participants and demonstrating Parker MacIntyre’s proprietary strategies for investment adviser compliance.

The NSCP currently has over 2,000 members and presents many opportunities for compliance professionals to garner ongoing education and training regarding issues of primary importance to financial service professionals. The NSCP Annual Conference also presents opportunities for interaction between financial professionals and service providers such as Parker MacIntyre with respect to new services and product offerings to meet the changing needs of the registered investment advisor and broker-dealer markets. The next NSCP Conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland on September 20-23, 2019.

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